Plant Health Care Service for Brisbane & South East Queensland

Soil Injection & Foliage Spray for Trees

We Offer Total Tree Care Solutions™


Treating Your Trees

In keeping with The Tree Doctor’s™ pledge to provide Total Tree Care Solutions'™, we offer a high-pressure soil injection service that includes:

  • Soil fertilisation and aeration programs to keep trees healthy, safe and strong.
  • Soil and root zone management.
  • Application new generation insecticide, ‘Arborguard’, to effectively control aphids, thrips, borers, scale, psyllids, weevils and sooty mold by trained and licensed technicians.

The benefits to trees and shrubs include:

  • Control of insect and fungal attack
  • Increased vigor and health
  • Improved soil nutrient availability, all resulting in increased plant growth
  • Thrip on Magnolia sp leaves | Brisbane, QLD | The Tree Doctor

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Frangipani Health Care 

Frangipanis are very popular throughout Brisbane and SE Qld, but they do cause their owners a few problems.

Every year between from November (when its wet and hot) through to April our phone runs hot at The Tree DoctorTM  and our office staff help address the Frangipani problem – RUST.

This easily identified fungal disease deposits orange (rusty) coloured spores under the leaves and in new growth. The fungus causing all the trouble is air borne and may lay dormant in the mulch underneath the tree between seasons. While it will not kill the Frangipani it makes for an ugly sight.

Unfortunately, once the fungus establishes itself it opens the door for insect infestations. Rust mite, thrip, scale, spider mite and mealy bug are just a few of the uninvited guests that will take advantage of conditions generated by rust on your frangipani.

  • Thrip on Magnolia sp leaves | Brisbane, QLD | The Tree Doctor

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Here are a few tips:

  • Take action in November
  • Feed your frangipani to enhance its health and vigour.
  • Apply a layer of aged forest mulch around the frangipani.
  • Remove infected leaves as soon as you see them. Rake up the dead and fallen leaves and put them in the green bin. Do not compost them at home.
  • Do not leave wet leaves laying around.
  • Implement good garden hygiene practices. Clean your secateurs and loppers regularly.
  • Treat the problem – chemically for both fungal infection and insect infestation.
  • Call The Tree DoctorTM

The Tree DoctorTM can help, we provide a high-pressure soil injection of our formulated ArborGuard/Care to

and foliage sprays to help topically control the spread of fungal pathogens and nasty insect infestations.


Another Frangipani concern often raised by our clients is lichen growing on the bark of their frangipanis. Lichen is symbiotic organism, a hybrid of algae, fungi and bacteria. It is harmless and, in most cases, adds to the charm of a healthy frangipani. You can remove it by scrubbing it gently off, but why bother?

  • Thrip on Magnolia sp leaves | Brisbane, QLD | The Tree Doctor

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