Experienced Tree Hazard Assessments in Brisbane
Life Member of the Queensland Arboriculture Association
Accurate risk assessment of trees can only be correctly performed if the assessor has a thorough understanding of tree anatomy and the tree species being assessed. The consultants at The Tree Doctor have that knowledge and training to provide accurate, realistic risk assessments.
Our consultants renew their risk assessment qualifications regularly and between them hold QTRA, VaLID and TRAQ (ISA) certification.
This new service is suitable for Councils, Schools, Large Commercial Developments, Local and Federal Governments and anyone else requiring assessment of trees on a large scale and with formal documentation. TRAQ requires recertification every 5 years.
The Tree Doctor
provides our clients with accurate risk assessments for trees in Greater Brisbane and SE Queensland. Our Consultant will assess your tree, discuss his findings with you and provide a written report covering the tree's current health and structure and associated risk.
Principal Consultant
At The Tree Doctor
TM, our principal Consultant, Adam, is certified in the use of Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ), Quantified Tree Risk Assessment (QTRA) and VALiD systems of tree risk assessment. Since qualifying in 2006, he has done three updates in QTRA.
The Tree Doctor
TM provides this service the QLD Civil Administration Tribunal (QCAT), Ipswich City Council, Brisbane City Council, Logan City Council and Toowoomba Regional Council and prominent legal firms, representing class actions. We also provide risk assessment reports for residential property owners, small business owners, childcare facilities and schools in the Greater Brisbane Region.
Why wait? Request a free quote now!
Call for Your At-Risk Trees
ABN: 264 537 583 51